We are a family oriented group of Toyota Land Cruiser, 4Runner, FJCruiser, and Mini Truck owners and enthusiasts from the greater Gotham [New York City] area. We have members hailing from NY, NJ, CT, MA, PA, MD, DE, VT, NH and elsewhere! We welcome all parties, Toyota and non-Toyota alike, interested in 4×4 related activities.
Club Officers

Steve Scott

Jon Held
Vice President/Treasurervice_president@gclcny.com treasurer@gclcny.com

Officer Bob

Tom Humphries
TLCA Representativetlca@gclcny.com

Mark Woytovich
Founding Membermarkw@gclcny.com

JP Robinson
Graphics Designergraphics@gclcny.com

Elissa Ehlin
Public Relations/Vendor Coordinatorpr@gclcny.com vendor_coordinator@gclcny.com

Rich Casella
Web Adminwww@buoy.com